You, the very dear people of our greater Denver and Ephrata community, are the reasons behind my father's realized efforts.
"I was born into an era of spoke-wheel Model T Fords and gas lit homes. I have lived to see men walk on the moon and the methods of communication between people become more various, more accessible, more portable and more affordable than in any time in history. My father's dream of creating something in order to better communicate with his neighbors and customers has been realized. You, the very dear people of our
greater Denver and Ephrata community, are the reasons behind my father's realized efforts. My family was and continues to be ever grateful and humbled by your overwhelming support, your encouragement and your help...As for the future,
I and my family will continue to be involved in our greater Denver and Ephrata community to do what we can to make it a better place in which to live and raise a family."